Child Custody

Grand Rapids Child Custody Lawyer

Protecting Children & Enforcing Parental Rights In Michigan

Child custody disputes can be some of the most contentious issues that come up during a divorce in Grand Rapids. While both parents often want what is best for their children, they may disagree on the details. Thacker Sleight understands how important it is to protect the best interests of your children and will work hard to make sure that happens.

To speak with our child custody lawyer in Grand Rapids, give us a call at (616) 888-3810 or contact us online today.


Understanding Child Custody Laws In Michigan

Child custody is a decision made by the court as to who the child will live with, how much time they will spend with the other parent, and how much time the parent not living with the child will have with the child.

There are 2 types of child custody in Michigan:

  • Legal custody refers to the responsibility for major decisions in a child's life, such as education and religion

  • Physical custody refers to where the child will live

Michigan courts recognize that children need a strong relationship with both parents. As such, they generally encourage joint physical and legal custody. It is important to note, however, that the court has the final say in deciding custody matters. As you work with your child custody attorney to negotiate a custody arrangement, keep in mind the court's preference to have both parents share decision-making responsibilities.

How Is Custody Determined In Michigan?

When determining custody, any court in Grand Rapids will consider the child's best interests. The courts will look at several factors, such as:

  • each parent's moral character

  • each parent's ability to provide for the child's physical and emotional needs

  • each parent's ability to foster a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent

  • each parent's willingness to encourage a close relationship between the child and the other parent

  • each parent's physical and geographical proximity to the other parent

  • the child's age and physical, mental, and emotional health

Grand Rapids court will often try to base custody arrangements on a 50/50 arrangement whenever possible. Custody arrangements can also be flexible, primarily when parents work full-time and the child is in daycare. In these situations, the court may allow the child to spend more time with the parent whose shift ends later.

What Age Can A Child Choose Which Parent To Live With In Michigan?

In Michigan, a child cannot legally choose where to live until they are 18 or independent. However, judges in the state will allow children to express their preferences. 

Can A Parent Take A Child Out Of State Without The Other Parents' Consent In Michigan?

As of January 2022, Michigan law does not prevent a parent from traveling to another state during their parenting time unless a court order exists with restrictions on travel.

Keeping Children Safe

Thacker Sleight understands the impact divorce can have on children. As your family law attorney Grand Rapids representative, we will work hard to ensure that your children's interests and needs are a top priority. 

Our child custody lawyers can help you negotiate custody details with your spouse. If necessary, we can aggressively represent you in court to ensure your children are safe.

Local Resources & Support For Child Custody In Grand Rapids

When navigating child custody issues in Grand Rapids, it's essential to be aware of the local resources and government entities that can provide support and guidance. The 61st District Court in Grand Rapids is a key player in custody decisions, making sure that the best interests of the child are always prioritized. Additionally, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) offers various programs to support families during these challenging times.

One significant concern for parents is ensuring the safety and well-being of their children during custody transitions. Thacker Sleight is well-versed in the unique challenges faced by families in Grand Rapids and is committed to providing tailored solutions that address these specific needs. Whether it's negotiating a fair custody arrangement or representing you in court, we can help you every step of the way.

By leveraging local resources and understanding the specific challenges faced by families in Grand Rapids, Thacker Sleight is dedicated to helping you pursue a custody arrangement that truly benefits your child. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your child custody needs in Grand Rapids.

Contact Our Grand Rapids Child Custody Lawyers Today

Child custody matters can be some of the most difficult issues to resolve during a Michigan divorce. Our Grand Rapids child custody attorneys can help you work towards a resolution that is in the best interest of your children. Schedule a consultation with a family lawyer at  Thacker Sleight today.


Contact us online or call (616) 888-3810 to get started with an experienced child custody attorney in Grand Rapids, MI.


Commonly Asked Questions

What Factors Do Grand Rapids Courts Consider When Determining Child Custody?

When determining child custody, Grand Rapids courts consider several factors to ensure the child's best interests are met. These factors include each parent's moral character, ability to provide for the child's physical and emotional needs, and willingness to foster a healthy relationship between the child and the other parent. The court also looks at each parent's physical and geographical proximity to one another, the child's age, and their physical, mental, and emotional health. These considerations help the court make a well-rounded decision that benefits the child.

Can A Parent Take A Child Out Of State Without The Other Parent's Consent In Michigan?

As of January 2022, Michigan law does not prevent a parent from traveling to another state during their parenting time unless a court order exists with specific restrictions on travel. However, it is always advisable to communicate with the other parent and seek their consent to avoid potential legal complications. If there are existing court orders or custody agreements, it is crucial to adhere to those terms to ensure compliance with the law.


Practice Areas


Child Support

