Our Areas of Practice
Legal cases often involve complexities that go beyond traditional practice areas.
Thacker Sleight, our specialized expertise in family law allows us to address these intricacies effectively. Our team collaborates seamlessly with clients, whether their needs are straightforward or multifaceted, providing comprehensive support both in the moment and as their situations evolve over the years.
Types Of Cases We Handle
Divorce Processes and Agreements
Collaborative Divorce Process
Mediation of Family Law Matters
Arbitration of Family Law Matters
Summary Proceedings of Family Law Matters
Collaborative Divorce
Prenuptial Agreements
Postnuptial Agreements
Confidential Settlements
Support, Custody, and Parenting
Spousal Support and Alimony Calculation and Collection
Child Support Calculation and Collection
Parental Alienation and False Claims
Custody and Parenting Time
Grandparent Rights
Termination of Parental Rights
Financial and Business Matters
Business Valuation in Divorce
Business Asset Protection
Business Valuation Financial Analysis
Pre-Filing Business Valuation
Income, K1 and Tax Return Analysis
Domestic Asset Protection Trusts
Qualified Domestic Relation Orders
Military Pensions
Separate Maintenance
Protection and Specialized Matters
Personal Protection Orders
Narcissist Management
Family Crisis Management
Domestic Violence/Juvenile Delinquency (Operating while intoxicated, stalking, etc.)
Child Protective Services
Friend of the Court
Grand Rapids Family Law Attorneys
At Thacker Sleight, we are family law lawyers, negotiators, litigators, and problem solvers. We have a reputation of being fearless, meticulous, and thorough in our approach of life’s unexpected challenges.
Click any of our practice areas to learn more about how we work with clients in that expertise.
Practice Areas
Find out how our detailed focus and strategic planning secure favorable outcomes in high-stakes situations.